Waste disposal

Here you will find information about our various recycling points in our business area.

Recycling stations

There are a total of 23 recycling stations in Ekorosk’s operations area. You can bring, among other things, plastic and cardboard packaging, energy waste, wood waste, metal, glass, paper, cardboard, electrical and electronic waste, hazardous waste, stone material and landfill waste to the recycling station. Garden waste is received either at the recycling station or at a separate collection point in the municipality.

Search the nearest recycling station in your region



There are a total of 261 eco-points in Ekorosk’s operations area. You can bring batteries, glass packaging, metal and paper to the eco-point. Some eco-points also have collection containers for cardboard and plastic packaging. 

Search the nearest ecopoint in your region

Secondary Residences

During the summer months, there are a total of 168 collection points for waste from secondary residences in Ekorosk’s operations area. The dustbins for secondary residences are only intended for kitchen waste from the secondary residence, i.e. bio and energy waste from the kitchen. 

Flea Markets

There are a total of 42 flea markets in Ekorosk’s operations area. You can extend the life cycle of your belongings by bringing whole items in good condition to a flea market. The flea market is run by various operators in Ekorosk’s operations area.